Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Innovation or Devastation

In a presentation in Dublin, Ireland in March 2010, Google sales chief Jim Haley stated that desktops would be irrelevant in three years (SiliconRepublic.com). Smartphones, notebooks, and the amount of information available online will converge to create a different kind of future than what we’ve known, according to Haley. Do you agree? Why or why not? What impact would that have on the types of hardware and software that are the most in demand?

I agree with Jim Haley. This is because he is absolutely right! Think back to the early 90s, picture the cellular phones people used to carry around. My belief is that since those phones have come out, technology has blown up at lightspeed. In the last 5 years, technology has advanced more and faster than ever. I have an iPhone 4s. There is nothing I can't do on that little phone that I can do on a desktop or laptop computer. I can check e-mail, compose a letter, chat, call, create appointment reminders, make my shopping list, track my hours at work, etc. Our options are absolutely endless. We have come this far, who or what's to say it won't advance further. I am not suggesting that we're all going to be living like the Jetsons, but I am suggesting that technological advances are in abundance. The impact it may have on high-demand hardware and software is none. I think companies who sell and/or create the hardware and software will adapt to the changing ways of technology. Instead of having installation disks, they will have an app we can purchase for a fee. Innovation is the way of the future. Hop on the gravy train or get left behind!

1 comment:

  1. GREAT POST!! (Love the title of the blog post.) Excellent points made.
