Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Adobe Photoshop

The application software I like most is Adobe Photoshop. I am a "borderline-pro" when it comes to Photoshop. There are countless amounts of advantages to learning, knowing, and using Photoshop. I have used it in school since 2004. Contrary to common assumption, this program can be used for a lot more than just editing photos. Yes, it is fun to superimpose your sibling's head on the body of a cock roach, but there are so many more options! Let's take a look at the advantages of Adobe Photoshop:
                                          - Create posters, flyers, candy bar wrappers
                                          - Fix old, damaged photos with a few clicks of a mouse
                                          - Make advertisements, calendars, and even brochures

One reason why students should use Adobe Photoshop is because it can be used to create all of the things you would need more than one Microsoft Office program for. Like I stated previously, Photoshop enables you to edit/enhance photos, create flyers, design business cards, or even make your own calendar! Check it out, people! It is well worth the time!!!!


  1. Hey Snickk!!! I never thought about Photoshop. I have never used it before. You need to let me know how to access this. I am really interested since I love to do things with pictures. Inform me in class!!! Thanks

  2. Hey SnickaRoo! Adobe is definetly a cool program the only problem is I dont know how to use it very well, so I am going to need you to teach me some things!! :) I hope we learn about it in school that way you can be my teacher lol.
