Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Innovation or Devastation

In a presentation in Dublin, Ireland in March 2010, Google sales chief Jim Haley stated that desktops would be irrelevant in three years (SiliconRepublic.com). Smartphones, notebooks, and the amount of information available online will converge to create a different kind of future than what we’ve known, according to Haley. Do you agree? Why or why not? What impact would that have on the types of hardware and software that are the most in demand?

I agree with Jim Haley. This is because he is absolutely right! Think back to the early 90s, picture the cellular phones people used to carry around. My belief is that since those phones have come out, technology has blown up at lightspeed. In the last 5 years, technology has advanced more and faster than ever. I have an iPhone 4s. There is nothing I can't do on that little phone that I can do on a desktop or laptop computer. I can check e-mail, compose a letter, chat, call, create appointment reminders, make my shopping list, track my hours at work, etc. Our options are absolutely endless. We have come this far, who or what's to say it won't advance further. I am not suggesting that we're all going to be living like the Jetsons, but I am suggesting that technological advances are in abundance. The impact it may have on high-demand hardware and software is none. I think companies who sell and/or create the hardware and software will adapt to the changing ways of technology. Instead of having installation disks, they will have an app we can purchase for a fee. Innovation is the way of the future. Hop on the gravy train or get left behind!

Monday, May 21, 2012

System Software

1.    The software that is included in system software are the operating system (OS) - which controls the way your computer functions- and utility programs - which perform general housekeeping for the computer.

2.    The different kinds of operating systems include the following four categories:
                                       - Real-Time Operating Systems-- require minimal user interaction
                                       - Multiuser Operating System-- enables more than one user to access the computer                                 system at one time by efficiently handling and prioritizing requests from multiple users
                                       - Smartphone-- allows user to make and answer phone calls, has productivity features, etc.
                                       - Microsoft Windows-- operating environment that works with MS-DOS and incorporated a user-friendly interface like the one that was first introduced with Apple's operating system.

3.      The most common operating systems are as follows:
                                       - Microsoft Windows
                                       - Mac OS
                                       - UNIX
                                       - Linux

4.       I have just researched Jing. Jing has three main purposes/uses. The first one is Screen shots. "Jing will capture a window, pane, or region with just one click." The second is for Screencasts. Jing will record everything you do (for a maximum of five minutes). This is good for making tutorials. The final one is for sharing. Instantly, Jing enables you to upload screenshots and screencasts instantly to Facebook, Youtube, and even your e-mail.

** Please visit http://www.techsmith.com/download/jing/default.asp for a free download of Jing and try it for yourself!!!                                           

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Adobe Photoshop

The application software I like most is Adobe Photoshop. I am a "borderline-pro" when it comes to Photoshop. There are countless amounts of advantages to learning, knowing, and using Photoshop. I have used it in school since 2004. Contrary to common assumption, this program can be used for a lot more than just editing photos. Yes, it is fun to superimpose your sibling's head on the body of a cock roach, but there are so many more options! Let's take a look at the advantages of Adobe Photoshop:
                                          - Create posters, flyers, candy bar wrappers
                                          - Fix old, damaged photos with a few clicks of a mouse
                                          - Make advertisements, calendars, and even brochures

One reason why students should use Adobe Photoshop is because it can be used to create all of the things you would need more than one Microsoft Office program for. Like I stated previously, Photoshop enables you to edit/enhance photos, create flyers, design business cards, or even make your own calendar! Check it out, people! It is well worth the time!!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Social Networking & Society

Social networking has taken over the world. The advantages to social networking can include communication, notice of events, what is going on with friends/family/work, meet new people, keep in touch with those who do not live close, etc. Disadvantages can include decreased productivity, people can post incriminating pictures of you at a party, you can make yourself look bad through pictures and posts to potential new employers, etc. Those all apply to me personally and more than likely, to others as well. Society has become so obsessed with social networking that almost every person and every business is involved. I believe social networking dampers the development of human interaction. Human interaction comes naturally, but when a person sits in front of a computer all day, I feel they are ruining what nature taught them. How are these people supposed to react in a social situation when all they know are online conversations which don't require emotion, facial expressions, and body language. I suppose it effects society positively because we are keeping up with the growing technological world, but I believe there is too much hype. Businesses are using social networking to learn about potential employees. They will access a person's Facebook, for example, look at their pictures and read their posts. That is why a person really needs to watch what they post and what their friends tag them in. Employers look at these sites to get a preview about the kind of person you are. In the next two to three years, I have no idea what social networking is going to be like, but I know there will be something new to replace Facebook and/or Twitter. There is always something better being created and worked on. The popularity of Social Networking will continue to rise as the younger generations learn computers at a younger age than the people above them (on an educational level). There is a possibility that just as resumes are required for pre-interview, that a social networking profile will be required as well. Maybe. The world is full of possibilities. I just hope things don't get taken too far. If things do get out of control, they are going to start taping stickers on computers that say "If you are a computer addict or know someone who might be, call 1-800-***-****". Just like on the back of a lottery ticket. I am not totally against social networking but I definitely believe that younger generations need to learn the importance of these sites and the importance of the content posted.

Number One!

Today, I was required to create this blog for my Intro to Computers class at McCann. I have blogged before when I was like ten and it was the cool thing to do. I am trying to keep an open mind and hoping that this will make peer-to-peer communication easier when outside of the classroom. So here goes nothing...